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INSTRUCTIONS: To be used by qualified professionals only


To be used by qualified professionals ONLY.  Introduce each card as clinically and developmentally appropriate. Help the youth go through each card per category and endorse the trauma reactions which pertain to them by placing them in a separate pile. Use this as an opportunity for validation and further discussion. Once all cards have been reviewed and trauma reactions identified, check off the endorsed trauma reactions on the Trauma Reaction Card Checklist (available for download under the FREE DOWNLOADS tab). Use this information  to tailor mental health treatment specifically to reduce the client's unique post-trauma symptoms. The treating clinician can readminister this tool during treatment to monitor symptomatology and adjust treatment accordingly.
This method can be completed in one session, or over several (for example focusing on one category per weekly session) if clients are highly symptomatic or trauma avoidant. This method can also be used with caregivers to help them gain an understanding of their child's unique trauma reactions, with the same benefit of normalizing behaviors.


When clinically appropriate, use your preferred telehealth platform to screen share the online Trauma Reaction Cards. Choose a pile to begin with and click on it. This will show each card in the pile, one by one. Have client identify if the trauma reaction on the card is accurate for them, and place endorsed cards in the YES pile (either drag and drop or click on the green check mark on the top right hand side of the card). Cards that clients deny place in the Discard pile ( either drag and drop into the discard pile or click the red X on the top right hand of the card). When completed, hit FINISH and enter in the client name (if desired) and an automatically tallied trauma reaction card checklist will populate. You may choose to Save the PDF of this checklist onto your computer for tracking progress and reduction of symptoms over time. 
This method can be completed in one session, or over several (for example focusing on one category per weekly session) if clients are highly symptomatic or trauma avoidant.
This method can also be used with caregivers to help them gain an understanding of their child's unique trauma reactions, with the same benefit of normalizing behaviors. To use, have the caregiver endorse the trauma reactions they feel their children experience and move through the cards as you would in the instructions above. 
Good for teens and young children
Easy to use
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